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    Big 5 Spearfishing Competition Update

    October 07, 2016 1 min read

    Big 5 Spearfishing Competition Update

    Big 5 Spearfishing Competition UpdateOur Adreno customers certainly seem to have a spring in their step, as our BIG 5 competition scoreboard has lit up over the past month with some fantastic captures.

    Jade Dean has come back from a lengthy absence after leading the competition in the early stages of the year and added over 1000 points to her tally in a single month.

    Scoreboard leader Trevor Ketchion wasn’t going to be outdone, upgrading a 10kg odd giant trevally for a 39.15kg behemoth! Normally, upgrades aren’t worth pursuing, but if you can upgrade a catch by almost 30kg then that reflects on the points tally. That upgrade pushed Trevor further ahead, is he uncatchable? We don’t think so; this time of the year is the best to be in the water. With the run of summertime species trickling down the coast, there’s no better time than to jump overboard and into the thick of it.

    Whether you’re on the leaderboard yet or not, don’t forget to document your catch and share it on our Facebook wall, you never know how lucky you might get!

    The Leaderboard

    Trevor Ketchion 6209.20
    Aaron Puckeridge 5573.00
    Jade Dean 3457.50
    Duncan Limpus 2775.50
    Rhys Drury 2130.45
    Josh Stevens 2056.88
    Keiren Limpus 1909.73
    Brett Gamlin 1760.75
    Woody Falls 1471.65
    Rachel Vercoe 1258.40
    Dandre Kilian 1183.85
    Ben Coy 1152.75
    Cal Spearo 1149.25
    Branton Brown 1114.20
    Waade Madigan 1092.50
    Jeremy Littler 1055.75
    Jason Stevens 998.63
    Nathan Watson 875.28
    Chris Barnes 865.33
    Tim Neilsen 573.50
    Trent Bailey 437.30
    Benn Jillet 281.25
    Emma Kathleen 238.50
    Emma Peterson 230.75
    Matt Duffy 210.66
    Harrison Kelly 196.50
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